
Tuesday, November 26, 2013


total vex V (10861125), great-grandson of Conrad II, became Holy Roman emperor in 1106 in the midst of a civil war. Hoping to nominate assoil watch over the church inside the Empire, heat content V appointed Adalbert of Saarbrücken as the powerful archbishop of Mainz in 1111. Adalbert began to assert the powers of the church against secular authorities, that is, the Emperor. This precipitated the Crisis of 1111, part of the long-term investment Controversy.[23] In 1137 the magnates turned back to the Hohenstaufen family for a candidate, Conrad III. Conrad III act to divest total heat the Proud of his two duchies Bavaria and comte de Saxe in the lead to war in southern Germany as the Empire shared out into two factions. The jump faction called themselves the Welfs or Guelphs after Henry the Prouds family, which was the ruling dynasty in Bavaria; the other faction was known as the Waiblings. In this primal period, the Welfs generally represented ecclesiastical indep endence nether the pontificate plus particularism (a strengthening of the local duchies against the primaeval imperial authority). The Waiblings, on the other hand, stood for control of the Church by a besotted central Imperial government.
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[24] Between 1152 and 1190, during the manage of Frederick I (Barbarossa), of the Hohenstaufen dynasty, an allowance was reached with the rival Guelph party by the countenance of the duchy of Bavaria to Henry the king of beasts, duke of Saxony. Austria became a separate duchy by virtue of the Privilegium electronegative in 1156.[25] Barbarossa tried to reassert his control over Italy. In 1177 a final reconciliation was reached mingled with the em peror and the pontiff in Venice. In 1180, ! Henry the Lion was outlawed; Saxony was divided, and Bavaria was given to Otto of Wittelsbach. (Otto founded the Wittelsbach dynasty, which was to rule Bavaria until 1918.) From 1184 to 1186, the Hohenstaufen empire under Frederick I Barbarossa reached its spot in the Reichsfest (imperial celebrations) held at Mainz and the marriage of...If you indigence to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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