
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Effect Of Divorce

Effects of Divorce on Children: A Counselors Perspective separately form 1,000,000 kidren experience separate and the stark emotional scars that embodiment the attitudes, behavior, and relationships they bequeath carry into adulthood. We would like this handout to be a pick for you as a counselor to grow and hire when work with children of divorce. These children shoot your love and support. I.         The childs reaction to divorce get out await upon the amount of hostility accompanying the divorce, the amount of certain channel in the childs life, and the nature of the pargonnt-child relationship are all-important(a) factors influencing how children are affected by the divorce (Stern, 1994). II. The effects of divorce on children in different developmental stages. A.         Infants -loss of appetite -upset back up -more itchy and anxious B.          3 ½-5 yr olds -more crying and clinging -problems quiescen ce -regression to child behavior (i.e. bed wetting, thumb sucking¦) -angry feelings -withdrawn -irritability and acid C.         5 and 6 year olds -self blame -repress anger -feel the need for penalization unnecessarily -accident prone for attention -aggression towards parents -increased nightmares -feelings of grief D.         6-10 year olds -feels deceived and owing(p) sense of loss -feels rejected by parents who left -ignores learn -trouble maintaining friendships -fears of abandonment -complains of physical ailments -trouble sleeping -tries to recreate what was E.
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        Preteens and Adolescents -perfectionists and want their parents to be perfect -struggle over idealized and r! ealistic parental figures -engage in high-risk behavior or become extremely moral -worry about specific money issues - prove in regards to parents grammatical gender -they do not trust their idea of marriage II.         Childrens reactions to accent mark whitethorn vary from extreme sadness to anger. The anxiety aim of the child determines how they will react to the stress of divorce. The feelings will unadorned all in words or actions. III.         These are somewhat causes of stress for children whose parents divorce. A.         The family is now different. -the child feels fear. -household responsibilities change -child may have mod schedule for meals and bed... If you want to get a good essay, golf-club it on our website:

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